There are eight (8) requirements, recorded and tracked by Free State PTA which must be fulfilled to maintain the good standing of each local PT(S)A and the Council, effective July 13, 2013.
PTA(S)A presidents should work closely with their treasurers and other board of directors members to complete them in a timely manner every year. AACCPTA leadership monitors the status of these requirements using spreadsheet provided to AACCPTA by Free State PTA. These AACCPTA officers and volunteers are ready and available to lend guidance and help.
All documents must be submitted to the appropriate government authority (if required) and a copy sent to Free State PTA. No copies are required to be sent to AACCPTA except your local officer contact form. A brief explanation of each requirement is provided below.
Contact Free State PTA office at
Audit/Financial Review
Local PTAs are required to conduct an audit or financial review of the financial records at specified time including a change of treasurers and at the end of the fiscal year.
Personal Property Return
Each PT(S)A must file a Personal Property Return each year. As a result of PTA's non-profit status there is no filing fee. The return will be mailed to the PTA's address of record and is due on April 15. There are late filing penalties.
Free State PTA requires each local PTA to have general liability and bonding insurance as well as directors and officers insurance must be obtained through Free State PTA and its authorized provider, Knight Insurance.
PTAs must update their bylaws every 3 years using the template provided by Free State PTA.
Maryland Charitable Registration
All local PTAs are required to file annual renewals of their registration with the State of Maryland as charitable organizations by December 31.
Membership Dues
Each PT(S)A must have 25 members, annually and make dues payments to AACCPTA, Free State PTA and National PTA. AACCPTA 2016-2017 dues are $100 and invoices are sent to each PTA. MD & Nat'l PTA dues are $4.25 per member and are sent to FSPTA.
Officer Contact Information
All PT(S)A's are required to submit the names of their officers to Free State PTA within two weeks of election. This information is also due to AACCPTA for ease of communication.
More information regarding each of the items above can be found on
IRS 990
Each PT(S)A must file an IRS 990, N or EZ, or extension every year, by Nov. 15. There is a fee for late filing.